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The DEEP team is committed to knowledge translation - making sure evidence that we generate gets to the right people, in the right format at the right time. The team have developed a knowledge translation model - SEAD. Read more about it below.

DEEP imagines knowledge translation through the elements of

SEAD: Synthesis, Exchange, Application and Dissemination.


Synthesis refers to the process of synthesising results from research and interpreting the results within the context of global evidence.

Exchange refers to the establishment of partnerships between groups, such as involving agencies and the public as partners in research, practice and policy. This reciprocal and dynamic relationship acknowledges that both producers and end users of knowledge can learn from one another. It is a collaborative approach that engages end users at all stages of research, practice and policy.

Application is the process of putting research and evaluation into practice and policy.

Dissemination refers to actively communicating or sharing findings, using diverse methods both push and pull. This includes traditional as well as targeted and non-traditional strategies.


Infrastruture and capacity building is required for effective knowledge translation to close the gap between research, policy and practice. Both researchers and practitioners require new skills and competencies in KT practice related to their research or their organsation’s activities.

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